It Is Such A Small World....Or Is That What You Are Making It?

Have you ever heard someone say, “Seattle is such a small city”?  Lately I have heard multiple people state that and it got me thinking.  

How small is Seattle? 

Here are the numbers according to the United States Census Bureau (Seattle\Bellevue\Tacoma are grouped together in the report):

  • It is the 15th largest market in the US.

  • 3.7 million people call it home.

  • This area accounts for 50% of the state’s population.

Seattle sales jobs

How many people do you know, or better yet, do you think know you?  According to an article from The New York Times (Click Here for Article), the average American knows 600 people.  Even if you know 10X that number it only amounts to knowing .16% of the Greater Seattle Area.  

So...Seattle is not small, your pattern in Seattle is small.  My point is do something different.  Even something little.  I admit I have felt like Seattle is a small world in the past too, however here is a short list of how I have made significant changes to my business bottom line in unexpected ways:

  • Mix up your networking events. Going where everyone knows your name is great for Norm (Cheers reference). It feels good but is it getting you the results you are looking for?

  • Volunteer your time (and expect nothing back in return). This is about making connections and a difference in your community.

  • Get a coffee from a different shop and if you are going to work there, find a reason to talk to your neighbor.

  • Put down your phone in social settings and bring back the small talk.

These items are not complicated, however think about the last time you really tried something new?  See how your small changes can have a butterfly effect. 

-Written By Tim Sprangers

Tim Sprangers